
July 30, 2018

Weekly Meal Plan for 7/30/18

I'm taking food to a couple friends this week, but was still able to stay right on budget, thanks to Aldi!

Monday: Homemade Shepard's Pie. Total for meal: $6.23
I'm making extra of this meal and taking some to a friend who recently had surgery.
Tuesday: Chicken Cordon Bleu and Zucchini. Total for meal: $0
We had family movie night Friday night and I just didn't feel like cooking, so we ate Arby's instead. #truelife. Since we didn't eat this dish last week, we'll eat it tonight.
Wednesday: Chicken and Rice Soup and Rolls. Total for meal: $6.30
I'm doubling this and taking it to a friend of mine who recently had a baby. 
Thursday: Pork Chops, Rice, Green Beans. Total for meal: $.38
I'm going with some MOPS friends to the Rachel Hollis "Made for More" documentary and having dinner ahead of time. We had some leftover pork chops from this past week, so Clarence will whip those up with some rice and green beans for him and the kids. 
Friday: One Pan Chicken & Potato w/ Garlic Parmesan Spinach Cream Sauce, Salad. Total for meal: $7.39
Whenever Aldi has chicken thighs on sale for .79 a pound, I grab it! I splurged for the baby potatoes which are more expensive, but I have some leftover heavy cream in the fridge I didn't have to buy, so that evens out, RIGHT??
Saturday Lunch: Out!

Saturday Dinner: Spaghetti, Broccoli, Garlic Biscuits. Total for meal: $4.62

Sunday Lunch: Leftovers

Sunday Dinner: We are going to the local baseball game with some MOPS families so we'll eat there. Nothing like eating out twice in a weekend....😊

Total at the store this week: $49.71

Also bought: a package of chicken nuggets, cereal, bag of frozen hash browns, hot dogs, peas, tub of yogurt, apple juice, bananas, strawberries, bread, and a couple disposable containers for my friends food.

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