
June 18, 2018

Weekly Meal Plan 6/18/18

Today's meal plan brought to you by....15 min! That's all the time I had to throw this together before running out the door. It's one of those days where I just don't care about planning our meals. Can't this be someone else's job? :) I guess not, so here we go....

Monday: Stuffed Cabbage Casserole. Total for meal: $1.38
I'm going to half this recipe. I already had cabbage, ground beef, brown rice, and the seasonings. 
Tuesday: Creamy Garlic Chicken and Veggies. Total for meal: $8.69
I could've cut down on the cost of this meal by buying cheaper potatoes. I got the bite sized yellow potatoes and it won't give me any leftovers. If I had bought a big bag of potatoes and cut them myself, it would've been cheaper and I would've had extra, but the potatoes looked gross and smelled bad so I passed. 
Wednesday: Mexican Zucchini and Beef Skillet with Fruit. Total for meal: $3.29
I'm using half of the ground beef from last week for this meal (split with Monday). Oftentimes we cut down on the amount of meat listed in the recipe so that it helps us stretch our dollar further. If there is a good amount of other ingredients, you don't really miss it.
Thursday: Chicken Nuggets, Mac and Cheese, mixed veggies. Total for meal: $1.75
Clarence is at a meeting tonight, so mommy is being lazy. I had the mac and cheese already. I base the total on how much we'll use. We obviously won't eat the whole bag of nuggets. 
Friday: Chicken Bacon Tomato Alfredo Skillet and Salad. Total for meal: $7.48
I had the pasta and am splitting some of the other ingredients with another meal, which brings cost down. 
Saturday Lunch: Friend's Birthday Party

Saturday Dinner: My husband's office is having a 4th of July party we'll go to. Dinner is provided.

Sunday Lunch: Leftovers from Friday's dinner. That makes me feel better about the total :)

Sunday Dinner: Small Group Leader's Meeting. Dinner may not be provided, but if not, we'll just grab something on the way.

Total at the store: $46.59

Also bought apple juice, muffins, two boxes of pouches, 4 yogurts, 2 kefirs, milk, cereal bars, grapes, cookies.

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