
May 29, 2018

Weekly Meal Plan for 5/28/18

Another week, another round of meals to plan.

We have quite a few "events" this weekend, so it was a little easier to plan. I also had a friend use my Walmart Grocery Pick up referral code which gave her $10 and gave me $10. That's always nice for the budget :) Since it's supposed to be raining all day today, I put my order in last night so I didn't have to take my kids out in the rain. #winning

Tuesday: Broccoli Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo and Watermelon. Total for this meal: $2.96

I already had some chicken and broccoli I bought last week and ended up not using, so I didn't have to buy those. We had a side of roasted carrots and broccoli scheduled for a meal, but we had so much leftovers from other meals, we ended up not using that, so I'll use both this week. My mom brought some watermelon we didn't finish so we'll eat some of that too.

Wednesday: Date Night! The kids will have grilled cheese, pretzels, and peaches. Total for this meal: $1.08

Thursday: Take dinner to a friend. Out with kids. Total for friend's meal: $7.63

Clarence has a work meeting this week. I'm going to take a friend of mine dinner (also threw in a bag of dipper chips and carton of Strawberries) and then the kids and I will just grab something for dinner on the way home.

Friday: Mongolian Beef, Rice, and Roasted Carrots. Total for meal: $11.48

Thanks to my friend, Liza Anne for this recipe! We had the carrots and rice already. We don't have hoisin so I'm trying to decide if it's absolutely necessary for this recipe haha. This is a more expensive meal than I'm used to, but since we had a $10 off code, I splurged :)

Saturday Lunch: Leftovers

Saturday Dinner: Cookout! My dad and Clarence built an amazing playset for my kids and we invited some friends over to "break it in" and eat together. Hopefully the weather will hold out bc it's acting like we live in the pacific northwest the past few weeks....

We are providing the meat and our friends are bringing the sides. I haven't bought the burgers and stuff yet, but will swing by later this week to get them.

Sunday Lunch: Our MOPS group is having an end of year picnic at a local park, so we'll be going to that for lunch.

Sunday Dinner: Creamy Chicken Burritos and Asparagus. Total for meal: $4.87

It's meal #6 on the link above. We had tortillas I really need to use and already have chicken and salsa as well.

Monday is our last MOPS of this season *cries*, so I also planned for Monday's dinner since I can't often get to the store on MOPS days.

Monday: Sloppy Joe Squares and mixed veggies. Total for meal: $7.29

I had some leftover tomato sauce I'm going to use instead of ketchup. We've never tried this dish, so we will see how it is!

Total at the store this week: $36.18

Also bought 2 cascade action pacs of 85 count that was clearanced to $5 for some reason!!

Keep sharing your recipes with me! I love getting new ideas for my family :)

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