
May 22, 2018

Weekly Meal Plan for 5/21/18

If you saw my updated meal plan last week, my parents ended up not coming and postponed until this week (not that the weather is cooperating). So I tried to push some things to this week and force some meals from what we had in the cabinet. It was not easy since I don't impulse buy most of the time, but we made it work! Some of the meal below might look familiar because they were originally posted last week. Here it is:

Tuesday: Chicken thighs, creamy pasta, zucchini. Total for this meal $0

Monday's meal was included in last week's plan. I'm using the four remaining chicken thighs from last week. We also kept some of the creamy spinach sauce we used with the chicken thighs from next week and will mix that in some pasta we already have. We're using the zucchini we bought last week.

Wednesday: Sandwiches, veggie straws, fruit. Total for this meal $.50

This is our final night of MOPS until the fall, and we're running low on our eat out budget, so I'll make some sandwiches and take chips and fruit as well. The cost above is the bread I bought. Everything else we had.

Thursday: Out to Monkey Wrench Smokehouse!

Friday: White bean with spinach and sausage, crescent rolls. Total for this meal $1.65

I was able to hold on to everything from last week and only had to buy crescent rolls. I miss when they were only $.99 a piece...

Saturday lunch: Frozen pizza. Total for this meal $5.38

Saturday dinner: Burgers/hot dogs, sweet potato fries, grilled zucchini. Total for this meal $.99

We threw the sandwich thins in the freezer and kept the meat and sweet potatoes, so I just had to buy more zucchini which was on sale for a dollar!

Sunday lunch: Fish, green beans, fruit. Total for this meal $3.67

I had to buy more green beans and a bag of mandarin oranges (this was a painful, expensive purchase that Haven really wanted), but the fish we had from last week.

Sunday dinner: Small Group! We are going to buy some fried chicken and everyone else will bring sides.

Monday Lunch: Chicken breasts, roasted carrots and broccoli. Total for this meal $6.75

I'm not sure we'll use all of the frozen chicken breasts I bought, but included the whole total just in case. We have carrots left over, but I did buy the broccoli.

Monday Dinner: Tex Mex Ground Turkey and Rice, Salad. Total for this meal $6.81

I'm actually leaving out the corn and tomato sauce cause I'm not sure they would be good for my mom. Same for cheese, though people can add it to their own if they want.

Total at the store this week: $52.38

Also bought: meatballs, bbq sauce, and grape jelly (to make something to share at MOPS on Wednesday), apple juice, cereal bars, hot dogs, milk, olive oil, peas, heavy whipping cream (to make ice cream from our DateBox), mac and cheese, peaches, apples, string cheese, four yogurts, 2 fruit pouch boxes, bread, eggs, bananas. 

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