
August 24, 2015

So many things!

As you can imagine, there are tons of things to update! Most of that has nothing to do with completed decor in the house. The fireplace is really the only thing we've done up until a month ago. Clarence built doors for the bottom of the built-ins that are amazing! Is he good or what?

And just to remind you what it looked like before...

We finally painted Haven's room in preparation for her big girl room. We're moving her out of the crib because...we are expecting baby #2 in January! We are so excited and find out the gender in a week.

Last night we painted a few walls in the main living area, though we still have quite a few left to do. There are three different shades of green currently going on...why? We want to unify the space so I've been on the hunt for a soft gray, which we all know is the impossible color!

Wall O' Paint Samples (I swear they're gray)
We ended up settling on Moonshine by Benjamin Moore. Here is an inspiration pic:

It's perfect! Not too dark, not too blue. Just a great, light gray and it works perfectly in our space which doesn't get enough light. Two walls down...8 to go...I'll share when it's all complete.

I've also put together a few designs for the new baby's room. Since we're not sure if it's a boy or a girl, I decided to design one for each. I can't wait to get decorating for my new, sweet little baby! More to come!!!

boys nursery

Girl nursery

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