
January 01, 2014

Happy New Year...and a DIY

It's hard to believe it is already 2014! There were a lot of changes in our lives this past year and we are so thankful for God's provision and leading. This year we:
  • Celebrated our 1 year anniversary
  • Moved from Singapore to the US
  • Found out we were pregnant with our first baby
  • Ended up settling in my hometown because of an unexpected job offer for Clarence
  • Bought a new car
2014 will bring the biggest change to our lives yet, the arrival of our baby girl! We are so excited (and a little terrified) about all the changes to come. And how does someone who enjoys crafts and DIY cope with the coming changes? Throw myself into making stuff for the nursery, that's how!

A few months ago I was in Ollie's and saw a big canvas for $8.99. I had no idea what I wanted to do with it, but figured I could come up with something nice for the baby's room.  It was too cheap to pass up. I considered a few different things, but when I saw this pic on pinterest, I was sold.

I was even more sold when I found out how easy it was. There are LOTS of blogs out there who give the steps on how to create one on your own, but here is one that I followed. It's super simple! 

I used leftover paint we had from the dresser/changing table makeover (reveal to come!) and the nursery wall paint. Just slap it on the canvas until you're happy with how it looks, place painter's tape in a herringbone pattern overtop leaving spaces between each one, get your husband to take it outside and spray paint the whole thing to save you from the fumes, and then remove the tape! It probably took me a couple hours tops. I'm so pleased with how it turned out! 

The nursery is horrible to photograph and gets no direct sunlight throughout the day, so this is the best I could do. Anyone can make this, so if you're thinking of creating some cheap art, do it! Not bad for $8.99, I'd say :)


  1. Hi, Rachel, I've been so excited about your new baby girl on the way, and all the ways God has been guiding and blessing you and Clarence. It's been quite a journey for you. :) And more of a journey awaits you this year. Hold on! Thanks, too, for your comment on my blog. Bless you, sweet girl!

    1. Thank you Linda! We are looking forward to this new journey :)
