
January 05, 2014

Changing Table DIY Reveal!

One thing we knew we'd need for the nursery was a changing table/dresser. I wanted to get a combination of the two because our nursery is not huge and I figured it would be more practical. Plus, I just really like the look of a long dresser used as a changing table.

For months I scoured Craigslist looking for just the right dresser. I found a set that was really cute and drove 45 min to take a look at it. It was at an antique shop, so the prices were just too high for us. We wanted something we could redo, but this dresser needed work AND was still a bit expensive. I was sharing my lack of luck with my supervisor at work when she mentioned, "I have a dresser we were thinking of getting rid of, you can have it for free if you want it." Well only an idiot would say no to that! I told her we'd take it. It wasn't until I saw it in person that I was really pumped! Look at this beauty:

Yeah, I have the best supervisor ever, basically.

I knew I wanted to do an ombre paint feature on the drawers and figured it's a girl, so what better colors to use than soft pinks? I painted the main part of the dresser Behr's Vermont Cream which is an off-white as I wanted everything to be soft and not a glaring white. For the drawers I chose three pinks beside each other on a color swatch and ended up with Valspar's Brushed Rose, Salmon Bisque, and Snow Pa. We just bought a sample pot of each to keep it cheap.

For the knobs I chose these really pretty glass rose petals from Hobby Lobby. I waited until they had a 50% off sale and then snatched up 6 of them for just under $26 with shipping and tax. I am really happy with the finished product! Here are some before and after side-by-sides :)

We are so happy with how it turned it! It's exciting to see the nursery come together and we can't wait to fill the drawers with little girl clothes and have our precious angel with us to wear them. Here's one final photo for the road :)

Final cost:
Dresser - Free!
Paint - $5 each for a total of $15 and $20 for a gallon of the off-white
Knobs - $26

Total: $61!

EDIT: Apparently this dresser is a rare McCobb Planner Dresser and multiple people have felt the need to email and tell me how horrible of a person I am for destroying a piece of art. Honestly, we had no idea it was a rare piece of furniture! So for anyone else who feels the need to cut someone down for recreating a piece of furniture for her daughter's nursery when she had no idea of it's value, you can save your time... I know! But thanks for your kind words :)


  1. People can really be the pits sometimes, sorry they haven't been so kind. For what its worth - I think it looks great! Regardless of the name of the piece - the value comes from what it means to you, and since you own it - I'm glad you turned it into something you love!

    1. Thanks Bekah, really appreciate your kind words! Pregnant women with raging hormones take everything to heart haha!

  2. rachel, please let me know if you would be willing to part with the hardware that you took off of the drawers! i can use them!

    1. Hey, please email me using the link on the top right of my screen and we can chat about it!

  3. BTW, i'm sorry you got hit so hard. people can be crappy...

  4. I love your DIY stuff!! They're amazing!! I'm so excited for your little one's arrival and for you guys to meet her and her you! :D

