
September 25, 2013

Our Meal Planning

Me in the kitchen does not equal MasterChef. There's a reason I never went on that show.

I don't mind cooking, but I'm not a natural. I can't take 8 random ingredients and MacGyver something together in 30 minutes time. I need a recipe and full ingredients and google nearby in case I screw up...the whole 9 yards.

So, once Clarence and I moved into our own place (and sadly away from my mother's cooking), we decided to try out something I had heard about for awhile; eMeals. Who knew that I was capable of being in love with something other than an asian? Well it's true.

eMeals is basically a meal planning service that makes your life 100x easier. You choose your meal plan, what grocery store you go to, and each week a menu, shopping list, and recipes are sent to you. It includes 7 dinners (though you can also add breakfast and lunch plans too). It's only $5 a month which is a freakin' steal. We actually signed up via a Groupon deal for $29 for a year which made it even sweeter. It's definitely worth the small price tag! On top of that, they plan the meals based on sales in the store you chose so it's affordable. You can choose the family plan or one for two people.

We chose the low carb plan (our small attempt at being healthier) and though I miss potatoes, the meals have been really tasty! There is excellent variety and lots of flavor. And if we ever get sick of the low carb plan, we can change it to one of the other plans every month if we want.

I'm not getting paid by eMeals to recruit people to use the service, I just really love it and wanted to share for others who are not kitchen-inclined like me. I much prefer eMeals to pinterest-ing dinner ideas every week and trying to figure out what to make from day-to-day.

In case you're interested, you can check out the meal plans and details and Signup here. If you do, let me know how you like it! And definitely download the eMeals app; it's amazing!

Here are some photos of some of the dinners we've had in the past weeks:


  1. That's awesome! Sadly, I doubt they know of Singapore grocery stores and stuff like that :(


    1. yeah, you might be able to make most of the meals, but the difficulty would be in finding ingredients that aren't readily available there...and cost.
