
September 29, 2013

Military Vest

Have you seen some of the adorable outfits with military vests lately? It's such a cute look and one that I've been wanting to replicate. Here are a few I love:

I've had a hard time finding a good vest that I like and is not too expensive. Apparently they are so popular they're hard to find. Or maybe I'm way behind the trend and no one is selling them anymore. I'll blame living overseas on that if that's the case.

I found one vest online that was adorable and in my price range. It was selling on a website called Conversation Pieces and boasted that it was back in stock! Score. So I click on the link to find....sold out. Crap! Here is a pic of the vest:

Cute, right? Well too bad. So then I did want any compulsive shopper would do, I did a search on And I found a really good option on JC Penney's website in the junior's section (I live in denial, ok?) It was on clearance for $15 too! It was too good to pass up. Here's what I ordered. 

A little snip snip of the jewels on the collar, and I am in business! If you're looking for a vest, you really can't beat the price and style. Here is a link and it's still on sale. I plan to put it to good use! What do you think?

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