
August 28, 2013

Stir crazy

Don't you just love opening a new can of paint, stirring it around, and then applying it to the wall to drastically change the look of a room? Yeah, except for when you've bought 6 sample paint colors and STILL can't find the right color for your wall. It's driving me a bit crazy; and I don't think my husband is enjoying my indecisiveness either. Actually text conversation:

Me: I got another paint sample today and I don't like that one either *cries*

Clarence: Gosh!!!

I can't seem to find the right color that is a grayish-tan without a blue undertone and not too dark. Here are the ones I've tried so far...(and excuse the poor-quality iPhone picture)

I started with the 3 colors on the left. Woah, way too blue. Then I tried the two on the far right. The far right seemed to be too "matchy" to the couch and the one beside seemed to be a tad darker than I'd like. Then today I went and bought the one in the middle....and it seems too blue too!! Grrr. It's hard to judge based off a color swatch, but the one I bought today did not look blue at all on the paint chip!

Maybe the current yellow is also throwing me off.  Should I just bite the bullet and pick one and trust it turns out well when it's all over the walls? Cause let's be honest, whatever I choose is going to be it. I can't buy 2 gallons, get my husband to paint, and then tell him I don't like it and we have to paint again. He'd be fine to keep it just the way it is...paint tests and all. If you can't tell, he has great designer sense...this is the same man who suggested we do a sponge paint technique in our apartment in Singapore. (I love you, Clarence!)

Any suggestions? Am I the only one who struggles to pick out paint?


  1. I say pick the newest one you just got. I dont think itll be too blue based on this photo. Paint it and be done :)

    1. Ok and if I don't like it, you'll repaint it when you're here for Thanksgiving, right? :)

  2. Gray is tricky because it looks gray in the store, but usually turns blue on the wall. I found the perfect gray for my kids' rooms that doesn't look blue when you put it on the walls. I love it. But it may be dark for you. It's from Lowe's. Valspar Polished Silver. It's the middle color, so you could go one lighter--Bay Waves. I've used it in two different rooms and two different houses and liked it in ALL of them!
    Otherwise, I would choose the one on the far right and ask them to make it lighter by adding white if you are worried about it being too dark.
    And if it's any consolation, I had to paint my kitchen twice because I picked the wrong color.

    1. Good thought on lightening the one on the far right. I thought about getting one shade lighter on the test swatch from that one, but when I looked at it in the store, it just didn't seem right....but it's so hard to tell that way. Polished Silver looks pretty online (though maybe a smidge dark) but who knows how it will look on my wall!

  3. I feel you!!!! I spent 2 YEARS looking for the right "greige" for my walls and had so many patches of paint tests everywhere. The guys at Benjamin Moore suggested a color called Finnie Gray. When I looked at the swatch in the store I thought NO WAY! But somehow it looks like a completely different color in my house and on my walls. It actually looks like a completely different color in the can than it does on the walls. Paint is so strange like that. It changes colors from day to night, but i think it is the perfect balance of gray & brown. Come over and check out my walls if you want. :)

    1. Don't think I won't take you up on that! haha. The paint swatch online looks pretty tan, but I'd be interested to see what it looks like on your wall. Do you have any pics of it? Otherwise, when can i come over? :)

  4. I'm curious as to how this turned out. I used bay waves and my living room was all blue. It looked like I was decorating for a new baby boy. Then I used a few coats of polished silver and still my house is blue not the flat grey I wanted. Did you have any better luck?

    1. Hi Brieanna, I did end up liking the one that we went with. It is a really light grey. I wouldn't mind it being just a tad darker, but it's a great neutral and not blue which was an issue I was having. We used Silver Drop by Behr. It looks kind of tan in the swatch, but definitely looks grey on our walls. Grey is so hard!
